What I've done in China as Ambassador of COS

In the summer of 2016, I became an ambassador of Center for Open Science (COS). As can be seen from the website, ambassadors are supposed to promote transparent and open science in their own community.

So here are the things I have done to promote transparent and open science in China during the past several months (all of these activities were finished using Chinese):

I organized a workshop titled Enhancing the Reproducibility of Psychological Research during the 19th Annual Meeting of Chinese Psychological Society. This workshop was held in Xi'an, Shaanxi Province. About 150 psychology students and researchers participated in this workshop. The Speakers of this workshop include Dr Fei Wang (Tsinghua University), Dr Qiang Shen (Zhejiang University of Technology), Dr Lijia Wei (Wuhan University), Mr Jichengsi Guo (Tsinghua University), Ms Mengdi Song (Tsinghua University) and I. 

I introduced the transparent and open science practices at Prof. Feng Yu's Laboratory meeting, Xi'an Jiaotong University. This talk was finished through online communication tool Tencent QQ.

I presented the replication crisis, which served as the background of Mr Cai 's talk: 'why should we use R to analyse data',  during the 10th China-R Conference (第10届中国R会议).

I shared my knowledge about the replication crisis and new standards of doing research with graduate students, the Department of Psychology, Zhejiang Normal University. Again, this talk was delivered through QQ (an instant communication tool in China).

25th, Jun 2017, Nankai University, Tianjin
I gave a talk titled "How to use R to enhance the reproducibility of empirical research", shared my experience of using R with undergraduate students and graduate students.

All the slides for these talks can be downloaded from OSF: https://osf.io/9d7y4/


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